Tribute to Mineral Man Mel

Mel has been a member of this Club since 2013, and what a tremendous asset he has been. It pretty much goes without saying he is sorely missed. Rocks and minerals were his passion as he attested through his collection, deep knowledge, expertise, unparalleled enthusiasm, and willingness to share it with others. His numerous contributions to this site’s blog are truly a testament to his love of this hobby with articles ranging from showcasing mineral and gem art to technical analysis.

His presence at our meetings is sorely missed as confirmed by the member’s reminiscences:

He was a really nice person. Always ready to give a helping hand. He could identify just about anything you brought to him. Always kind and happy… and he loved cheesecake.

– Marty and Linda

Mel was not only the smartest person that I have ever met, but he was also one of the kindest people I have known. When he was talking about minerals, his enthusiasm and joy were infectious. He loved to share his knowledge, and I learned so much from him. He is missed.

– Natalie

Mel was the most knowledgeable member of this club and would always share his expertise with the rocks that we had questions about.

He invited Jeanne and me to view his collection, which mostly consisted of metallic minerals and learned about his work at Los Alamos with some of the world’s brightest physicists.

He was generous with his time and energy and was a treat to have known.

– Jay and Jeanne

Tribute to Mr. Bradley

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This is the first of two Blogs on native gold. In the first I introduce the mineral and its properties, including a gallery of specimens exhibiting the crystal forms of gold and the effects of deposition conditions on forms of gold. Having just found out about it, I’ll also describe

This gallery of beautiful silver jewelry, coinage, and art works presents works from around the world, and spanning the ages from the 26th Dynasty of Egypt (664-525 BC) to the Art Deco Era (1909-1941 AD) [Ref 1, 2]. Works have been chosen to demonstrate the artisan’s methods of forming shapes

This is the first of two Blogs on native silver. In the first I will introduce the mineral, including a gallery of specimens, and in the following blog, “Ancient Silver Jewelry” I’ll present examples of ancient silver jewelry, coinage, and art works, which demonstrate the innovative artisanship of early silversmiths

What Are You Curious About? I am from Wisconsin, staying in Winslow with girlfriend who is a nurse.. I just became interested in rocks and minerals and need help identifying some specimens…. thank you Your specimens are three forms of quartz, in which the crystals are of microscopic size so



3rd Friday of the month at 7:00 PM


Summit Fire District Station 31
6425 N Cosnino Rd, Flagstaff, AZ
corner of Townsend-Winona & Cosnino roads

Along with the usual club business, the meetings consist of discussions of upcoming field trips, local club shows, ‘show and tell ‘of members’ recent finds and expositions. As always the club library is available for browsing and snacks for munching.
If you have questions please contact the President, Rob Cote, no at our email address
Be sure to visit us on our Facebook page.


Fieldtrips are generally scheduled on the Saturday after the monthly meeting. The plans for the fieldtrip are discussed at that meeting. Details include time and location for caravaning to the search site, types and examples of specimens we’ll be looking for, location map, and any personal items needed for the exposition.
Anyone who plans on participating on the club sponsored trip needs to be a member.
January Fieldtrip
The club did not plan a trip for January. However, they agreed that the Quartzsite Show would be the destination for those who could make it. The show runs through January and February. Information for the show may be found if you Google “Quartzsite Gem and Mineral Showcase”.


Annual membership fee:
Individual – $20
Group/Family -$25