Saturday morning a group of 12 signed in for the two and a half hour drive south to Sycamore Creek. We met Larry Jensen who led our group on a 2 mile dirt road where we all found places to safely pull to the side of the road at a dry wash to search for Red Jasper. Weather was warm and comfortable.
Being a Saturday there were many dirt bikes traveling the road as well as weekend campers to keep us busy. Most of the group canvased the wash area for Jasper and a few of us brought out the 15 pound sledge hammer and steel chisels to assist breaking apart rocks suspected to be hiding good cutting material. I saw members carrying 5 gallon buckets of Red Jasper back to their vehicles so I assume we all found a little something to work with.
Next time when we return I would prefer a weekday trip as there are three locations to collect material and we only saw the first site because of the off-road vehicle traffic.
Attending Members:
Alan & Linda
Clint & Erica
John & Beth
Rob & Sue
Alan Cartwright
Kathy S
Marty & Linda